Thursday, July 7, 2011

BREAKING BAD _ Loteria Cards 02

NEWS!: You can now purchase some of these images as poster prints HERE on Society6!

For more information and the first four designs, check the previous post HERE.

Since I started working on these, I've discovered that artist Chepo Peña did a one for one mash-up of the original Loteria deck with famous Star Wars characters and scenes.  Really funny nerdy stuff - some favorites below and more HERE.

Also found that the New York Times had a great article on Wednesday called "The Dark Art of BREAKING BAD."

Here's an excerpt that gives you a sense of creator Vince Gilligan's attention to detail:
This, it turns out, is an abbreviated version of a process that Gilligan goes through with virtually every article of clothing, every choice of color, every prop and every extra who appears in “Breaking Bad.” “You see this shirt?” said Dean Norris, who plays Hank Schrader, as he sat on the veranda between takes. He spoke in a stage whisper, out of the side of his mouth, like an inmate describing a warden who has gone insane. “Vince had to see five versions of it before he chose it. Five different shades of a gray T-shirt. That’s unique,” he said, heading into the house. “That’s beyond.”

Alright, onto the next 4.  Race to your online Spanish/English dictionary as needed.

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